When does school start?
The 2020-21 school year for all Friends of King Schools start Monday, August 17, 2020 promptly at 8:00 a.m. All classes will be virtual.
Is it too late to enroll my child in FOKS District?
No. Limited seats are available. PreK-12 families who are new to the city, new to public schools, or wish to transfer to a new school for the 2020-21 school year can apply via Late Enrollment through EnrollNOLA.
How will my child access the virtual class?
All students were issued an email and password to access their class(es). The classroom username and passwords are setup the same.
First name.last [email protected]
Do not space, use hypens or apostrophes.
THE PASSWORD IS: Mlknola2020
Go to classroom.google.com and click Go to Classroom. Enter the email address. Next: Enter your password and click Next. If there is a welcome message, review it and click Accept. You will see an invitation from your child’s teacher to join the class.
Will attendance be taken during virtual classes?
Yes. Attendance will be taken daily.
Are students required to wear uniforms during virtual classes?
Yes. Students are required to wear a uniform top.
How can I borrow a laptop and/or wifi device?
Please contact the school.
Who do I contact if I have technical issues?
Help Line: 504-308-3381 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm Monday-Thursday
ELL Help Line: 504-308-3369 3:30 pm -7:30 pm Monday- Thursday
- L. King Elementary School [email protected] [email protected]
- L. King High School [email protected] Technology Officer [email protected]
How will students with an IEP and/ or specialized instructions be accommodated?
Students will continue to receive accommodations and specialized instruction, as per their IEP. Your child’s teacher will contact you with more detailed information. If you have specific questions, please send an email to [email protected].
Will standardized test be waived this school year?
At this time, all assessments and standardized test for the 2020-2021 year are still scheduled to take place.
When will students be returning to in-person instruction?
While we are planning for some in-person instruction to begin after Labor Day, FOKS will follow the guidance of NOLA Public Schools. When we move to in-person instruction, parents will still have the choice of continuing 100% distance learning for their children.
Will FOKS provide breakfast and lunch during virtual classes?
Yes. Beginning August 17, 2020. Students enrolled can pick up grab-and-go meals containing breakfast, lunch, and a snack on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Every Monday, meals will be provided for two days. Every Wednesday, meals will be provided for three days. Please note, these meals are for FOKS students only.
You may also reach out to your school’s social worker for additional assistance and resources.
- L. K. Elementary School [email protected]
- L. K. High School [email protected]
I am not getting communications from the school.
Please send an email to:
- L. King Elementary School [email protected]
- L. King High School [email protected]
Please include your child(ren) name, contact phone number, and address.
If you have a general information question, please call 504-940-2243 or email [email protected].
English Language Learner (ELL)
Please know that our English Language Learner Parent Hotline will continue to serve you remotely during this time of school closings due to the COVID-19. Please call 504-308-3369 Monday- Thursday 3:30 pm- 7:30 pm or email: [email protected].